If there is a Spanish way in Internet that has dedicated attention to the dissent of Hugo Chávez, to the cause of the political prisoners and the pursuit, this is Libertad Digital with LDTV and esRadio. I mention it today in a special way because it is of anniversary, it is 10 years of work, occasion of that time to express my gratitude, and sincere desires to them for: long life! and the continuation of the success. In the graphic part of the team, the extended photo and his names next, all of them somehow with his critiques have been polished in showing the Venezuelan reality, and the causes of the freedoms at any place. I see some acquaintances (over a distance) from whom I have received very particularly a grand support, from Barbara Ayuso for example with his articles, or from Javier Somalo, that when it mentions my blog in the gatherings of Luis Herrero the heart does to me “toc toc toc” of the emotion, and that has no price. That pleasant is to know that we are not alone, there is no puddle that separates us. Happy anniversary! Opportune to annex some of the most recent articles that Libertad Digital has published related to the dissent.
In Spain He Programmes debate on Chávez. Video
February 24, 2009
Javier Somalo analyzes in a new debate
(21/02/09 Libertad Digital TV) the situation of Venezuela and Hugo Chávez, with Plinio Apuleyo, journalist and Colombian writer, Williams Cárdenas, president of the Democratic Platform of Venezuelans in Spain and with Pilar Ayuso, the Euro MP of the People's Party, which was with Luis Herrero in our country when it was expelled.
LETTER of the journalist and political prisoner Gustavo Azocar ALCALA
“That the entire world knows it: in Venezuela there are prisoners for telling the truth”
The political prisoner Gustavo Azócar Alcalá transmitted, in a letter, a help scream to the Spanish public opinion.
As regards Commissioner Simonovis
A Venezuelan political prisoner denounces the “judicial terrorism” of Chávez
Iván Simonovis was a commissioner during the frustrated coup d'état of 2002, in that the opponents treated Chávez of preventing Venezuela from turning into the current dictatorial state. Failed the blow, it was imprisoned and condemned without tests for a corrupt judicial power and teledirigido
On the happened with my blog.
Chávez gags the opponents prohibiting the currencies exit
You will not be able to choose where to travel not even how much money to take; all your bank operations will have to be approved according to unknown criteria; it will be allowed to you to buy across Internet abroad; your money is already not yours … Diet Bolivariano of Venezuela, year 2009.
Chávez keeps on pressing the press
to silence the general dissatisfaction
In one of his moments more critics, Hugo Chávez is useful on February 4 - day in which there is celebrated the anniversary of the frustrated coup d'état of 1992 - to extoll the chavismo while it threatens to sectors of the press and tries to silence to the most critical sectors.
Legend of the photo:
Libertad Digital
For this linkage it is possible to extend
From left to right and of above to below: Daniel Rodríguez, Javier Somalo, Raúl Vilas, Santiago Lago, Luis Valle, Sergio Pérez, Lorenzo Ramírez, Carmelo Jordá, Fernando Díaz Villanueva, Luis Fernando Quintero, Pablo Montesinos, Christian Camacho, Javier Arias Borque, Pilar Díez, Juan Manuel González, Javier Lozano, Mario Noya, Juan Ramón Rallo, Manuel Llamas. Mercedes Rodríguez, Bárbara Ayuso, Marina Hernández, Olivia Moya.
Some Related owing to 10 anniversary
Elentir counting stelas
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