Very deplorable and my condolences to his relatives, relatives and partners of the periodic 2001 for the death of his director Israel Márquez Guerra. I come up in the one that happened 34 years, particularly with that I am joined by connections of friendship and esteem since I wrote many years in the same one. It was murdered vilely on having gone out of a familiar meeting in a seemingly calm area of Caracas on having tried to prevent from stealing the vehicle of his wife. Facts as this one are the normality in a country where the crime is the cheapest thing, it is not paid, the empire of the insecurity reigns and with her, the impunity. It continues the relation of the facts. I update on March 3, 2010 with the leading article of 2001. I update on March 4: What is there behind the murder of Israel Márquez? at Libertad Digital and also he interviews with Marcel Granier as regards the topic
My most felt condolence in the Block of Weapon to Andres de Armas, Saúl Pérez Lozano, to Vladimir López Negretti, to Nibar Pardo, to Ricardo Mateus and to all the journalists and workpeople.
Martha Colmenares
Violence and impunity in venezuela
What is there behind the murder of Israel Márquez?
r. vilas
* Audio: He interviews Marcel Granier
They gather the news at Libertad Digital of Spain
They murder the director of a critical newspaper with the Chávez diet
The director of the Venezuelan newspaper 2001, Israel Márquez, was murdered to shots in Caracas on having tried to prevent a few delinquents from stealing the car of his wife. The newspaper makes responsible to the diet of Chávez of the increase of the insecurity and the violence in the country.
More …
Publishing house of 2001
The impunity drowns us
Venezuela has turned into a blood puddle splashed with statistics. A bottomless well, that as a monster feeds for the insecurity supported with the threads of the steel of the impunity.
Yesterday, in hours of the night, our director Israel Márquez stopped being a citizen to turn into one more number of the numbers of blood of this country. It stopped having soul and spirit to be handled up to getting lost in the negligence of the students of this social madness into which Venezuela has turned.
The crime in Venezuela is the only number that gives us status and universal hierarchy. Behind there stayed Bogota and Medellin, cities that we were scaring when we knew the numbers that were producing his insecurity. Today in Caracas we have overcome all the calamitous indexes of these cities because, as there warns Roberto Briceño León del Observatorio Venezolano of the Violence, does not do justice to him in the cases of murders. The courts work by half, there is no justice and the impunity grows and drowns to the nation.
Last year the police departments brought thousand 491 apprehensions related to 16 thousand 47 murders. The relation of these numbers indicates that for every 100 criminal cases, only 9 persons were detained.
From 1998, when the Penal Procedural Organic Code entered validity, three reforms have taken place to this norm and two to the Penal code. The effect has been the deceleration of the processes and growth of the impunity.
Murdered the director of 2001 for band steals cars
Israel Márquez Guerra (68), the director of this newspaper (2001), was riddled to shots on the night of last Monday, on having been attacked by four delinquents proceeding from The Junquito and from the parish January 23, where they organized themselves to go out to steal cars in the East of the city, and on having come to the street, Rio Purifies of the urban development Summits of Curumo, they threw themselves to the attack against our director and his family; the last one to repel the armed aggression defended himself with a gun, but it received 6 impacts of bullets that destroyed vital organs to him and caused the death to the moment.
The criminal organization has been producing last weeks to steal cars in the area. Also officials of the Division against Murders of the Cicpc in charge of commissioner Ramón Silva Torcat, are after the track of two subjects that managed to escape on board of a car Corsican, white person, looked like to a taxi.
Therefore they realize experticias, crossing of called phone companhies and levellings.
The investigators came to the place of the event to begin with the compilation of these tests and realizing the mapping as well as the Analysis of Line of Shots (ATD); to two arrested subjects, in addition to analyzing the clothes of these two supposed delinquents.
For his part the director of the Police of Baruta, commissioner Freddy Rico, told that the death of Israel Márquez, the director of the daily 2001, it happened about 11 p.m. in the street Rio Purifies of Summits of Curumo, when Márquez and his wife were going out of a familiar meeting, the lady was tackled by one of four subjects that her were trying to deprive of his van Tucson Santa Fe.
On having seen his submitted wife, the journalist Márquez bent the car and faced a firearm of his property the subjects, leaving one of them hurt with a shot in the left calf, but they answered causing the death.
Officials of Polibaruta came immediately to the place and two of the subjects surrendered, while others two delinquents managed to flee in a vehicle model Corsa, white color.
The police closed the urban development, but it did not achieve the apprehension of the subjects.
Of the arrested, WJoseph Pérez Carrizález, of 26 years he turned out to be an injured man, it has two police records: one for theft and other for injuries; and Yorman of Jesus Elías, requested by theft of vehicles.
His son Nelson Márquez was sorry about the insecurity through that one lives in the country.
“It is deplorable through that we keep on living in this country in this situation. Every day innocent persons kill.
Today it touches me and my family. My dad was a model man … 39 years as journalist in the Block Dearmas … they took it from Me, I cannot say anything any more, do not have anything what to lose.
I want to know if the government is going to gather to capture those who are missing. I want to see the face to them”, he said.
Nelson showed that his father received 6 shots, while the vehicle was presenting 15 impacts …
“the subjects had each one a Glock 9 mm with selector of shots and loader of 33 bullets, I want to know if: is this an insecurity sensation, activating a plan? 863 deaths with that of my father.
I want to know: so effective what is plan said? I dedicate this death to the president Chávez, another that weighs on his shoulders. I say it responsibly, do not have what to lose, I lost my father”, he said.
The son of Israel Márquez believes also that it could have talked each other of a sequestration express. He remembered that at about eight o'clock in the night when it was coming to house of his brother in company of his wife and daughter, he noticed the car after this one to go down for the street without lights, “I even was afraid for my life and that of mine in this moment, but then I entered the house”, he said.
For this case the district attorneys were commissioned 60 and 61 of the metropolitan area of Caracas, Maria Pía Blanco and Catherine Harrinton, who will impute both arrested for uncourses are supposedly in the due crimes of the Penal code and the Organic Law against the Organized Crime.
The world of the communication was sorry and condemned the cruel murder of the director of the daily 2001, Israel Márquez Guerra, who highlighted between his lines diverse informations, some of them round that they turned to the world.
In an illogical way on the evening of last Monday it approached the office of this writer whom like every day, he was asking for “the military report”. The given information alarmed him on having known that in only the first two months of the year there had been deposited to the Morgue of Beautiful Mount 861 persons who had died in a violent way. What Márquez was not knowing so much as I, was that the iba to increase the new number of the month that it began.
Now the writing of the Daily 2001 remains empty, a space in target that will remain in a lot of time, on not having listened in the corridors to his laughs and his constant “bad pleasantries”, but that undoubtedly were making laugh. Farewell, or better one see you soon, why do I know, that some day, again we will be close. Why when a friend goes away does stay a trace that it is not possible to erase and that when one her sees lost big what the solitude is.
In hours of the Monday night
The director of the daily “2001 ″, Israel Márquez, was murdered on the night of this Monday after receiving seven shots in an attempt frustrated for stealing his vehicle, reported the police authorities
Two suspects were detained by the Police of Baruta, and him two guns were seized. According to unofficial versions the fact was caused when Márquez's wife was going to tackle his vehicle and was surprised by three antisocial ones that his motorcar was trying to steal from him.
In the event Márquez was hurt by gravity and moved by his wife and children to Urológico San Román. One handles that the director of the newspaper would have come without vital signs and with seven bullets impacts, two in the femoral, one in the left knee, two in the left arm, one in the head and one in the cervical one.
For his part, Nelsón Márquez, son of the deceased journalist, said that to his understanding there were five the antisocial ones who took part in the fact and who would have escaped two, while one of them turned out to be an injured man during the dispute.
It qualified the fact like “an armed robbery product of the situation of insecurity through that the country lives”.
In the morning of this Tuesday it was known that officials of the Municipal Police of Baruta presented two antisocial ones that were captured after having murdered the journalist.
The antisocial ones admitted to integrate a criminal organization dedicated to the theft of vehicles and to the sequestration express that it has his center of operations in the parish The Junquito, confirmed the director of Polibaruta, commissioner Freddy Rico.
Israel Márquez Guerra was 34 years old in the daily 2001. it makes five children orphan.
Caracas, March 2 of 2010
CNP urges the Executive to clarify soon Márquez's murder
By means of a bulletin, the institution showed his condolences for the tragedy that finished with the life of the director of the daily 2001
On March 02, 2010 | 02:30 pm –
The National School of Journalists sent this Tuesday a bulletin to express his condolences for the murder of Israel Márquez, the director of the daily 2001, and to urge the Executive to act in a speedy way to clarify the crime.
“Márquez's absurd death is a new expression of the senseless state of violence and lawlessness that reigns in this moment in the nation”, it points out the document.
The institution demanded “to the judicial authorities to clarify as soon as possible this painful case”, to the time quehace a called one to the government to fall sick “the overflowing of the underworld and the impunity of the criminal activity”.
The note describes the victim as an honest Venezuelan, family father and unanimously respected in his professional activity.
“His disappearance puts into mourning to our union and to the Venezuelan society who is present dismayed at this new barbarism act on the part of anonymous killer hands”.
Bulletin of the workpeople of the Block Dearmas
3/2/2010 10:21:02 AM p.m.
After the deplorable loss that there represents for us, the cruel murder of the journalist Israel Márquez, who was the Director of the Newspaper 2001, one of our important mass media. We want on behalf of the Publishing Block Dearmas, his board and his 2000 workers, to repudiate this act that it represents, the rawest violence that we face and that today puts another Venezuelan hearth into mourning.
It is unheard-of as we live in a country, where the foreign life lacks value and the safety bodies do not have the aptitude to handle, the uncontrolled insecurity reigning in every corner of Venezuela. Regrettably today, Israel, who was a tireless journalist in the search of the news, is part of the statistics, which often we inform across our newspaper. Only we demand from the Venezuelan justice to find the persons in charge and that this vile cruelty should not remain unpunished, against another Venezuelan, victim of the untied crime, who loses his life for defending to his family and the fruit of his work. To his wife, relatives and friends, our condolences and to our readership, the firm commitment to keep on reporting in this “vale of bullets”. In Caracas, to 02 days of March, 2010.
Directorate of the Block Dearmas
Ricardo Mateus (Interviewee for Globovisión)
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