Expropriation order on the part of Hugo Chávez is fulfilled at once, it is as well as Amalia Sáez, the mayoress of a municipality of the central city of Barquisimeto, been Lara, decreed on Thursday, the 11th of this March the expropriation of a few areas where a few commercial agencies were working. The measurement against these stores of the local group Company Polar, gives itself almost to the month that Hugo Chávez will arrange (“Be Expropriated”) the eviction to raise there a few housings (supestamente). The true thing is that the legal adviser of the company expressed that the expropriation was done “without respecting the current juridical frame”, and in consecuenia they qualify it of “unconstitutional and arbitrary”. The Polar company will oppose the decree before the TSJ, although we already know what happens when Chávez orders.“ The State would have to pay for the companies of the industrial area 1 of Barquisimeto 326 million strong bolivars” (namely so that it has an idea, one multiply this quantity by 1000). On the other hand, the workpeople push back the average that affects them, and as they affirmed “it would finish with 4.500 direct work places and more than indirect 5.000”.
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They qualify the measurement against the property of unconstitutional and arbitrary. Polar it will oppose expropriation before the TSJ
The State would have to pay for the companies of the industrial area 1 of Barquisimeto Bs 326 millions
Polar it will oppose expropriation before the TSJ
The State would have to pay for the companies of the industrial area 1 of Barquisimeto Bs 326 millions
Companies Polar it will introduce before the Supreme Court of Justice a nullity resource against the decree of expropriation dictated by the Mayoralty of the Municipality Iribarren of the State Lara and of the agreement of the Legislative Council of this entity of declaration of public utility, which 1 of Barquisimeto affects the areas of the industrial area.
Guillermo Bolinaga, the director of Legal Matters of the company, affirmed that the expropriation measurement against the commercial agencies of Polar Brewery and Pepsi-Cola of Venezuela, was done without respecting the current juridical frame.
He told that the declaration of public utility of the areas has vices of unconstitutionality and illegality, since this one should be had realized by means of a law and not in an agreement. Also, it questions that one declares of utility specific goods and you do not act or activities in general as the law establishes it.
The same way it refuted the action of expropriation because also it violates the constitutional beginning.
He told that to construct housings the measurement should be had applied in other areas of residential areas and not in industrial zones that need changes in the use and in the Town-planning Development plan, in addition to a public consultation.
He said that together with the nullity resource they will ask for a precautionary measure that should suspend the effects of the expropriation and should protect the goods.
The company pointed out that it is not reasonable that the authorities expropriate these areas, given that they have informed themselves that at least 16 projects exist for the construction of more than 4.000 housings for that they wait for the resources.
“It is more reasonable to invest in these projects in residential areas, which to destine resources of the State in the expropriations of the industrial areas, with the additional costs of redeployment that demands the law”, there raised Gustavo Hernández, the director of Polar Brewery.
It detailed that the measurement of the Government against the sheds of the Polar Brewery and of PepsiCola will cost to the State his 144 million bolivars, including demolition expenses.
Adding the companies of Polar and the rest of the affected lots, the Executive would have to pay for bienhechurías, demolition and other expenses 326 million bolivars.
“It is a question of an arbitrary, unnecessary and unjust measurement.
The expropriation and the eviction of the area manages 1 will cost to the State four times more that to construct housings in other areas”, he warned.
He thinks that there are other less costly alternatives and of rapid execution to solve the problem of the deficit of housing, calculated in 2 million units in the country.
He repeated the offering to the Government for the sale of an area that is in a residential area of Barquisimeto that would cost only 15 millions of bolivars.
Pernicious consequences. The Polar expropriation of the sheds of companies puts in risk the employment of more than 3.200 persons. From the agency of refreshments they attend to 9.500 clients and in the brewery to 7.600.
“It is not a question of empty sheds, there is an important flow of economic activity and thousands of work places”, indicated Hernández.
He said that the company will stay operative in this area and they hope that the TSJ should be pronounced and should re-spill the measurement.
“We will do all the possible to keep on operating in the Barquisimeto facilities”. It indicated that in case the average should materialize it would be difficult to invest again in the Municipality Iribarren if there does not exist the guarantee of which in the future a similar situation could happen. Some councilmen indicated that so much Polar as other companies would have five years for desaloja
THE NATIONAL – On Thursday, the 18th of March 2010 Regiones/6
Regions. LARA
CASTILIAN MARLENIS, legend of the photo: Workpeople of the companies of the industrial area 1 of Barquisimeto pushed back the measurement of expropriation that, as they affirmed, would finish with 4.500 direct work places and more than indirect 5.000
I govern concrete expropriation of Polar
The truth
web@laverdad.com – AP – Caracas – 3/12/2010 00:01 12
The mayoress of a municipality of the central city of Barquisimeto, Amalia Sáez, decreed yesterday on Thursday the expropriation of a lot of areas of this locality where there work a few stores of the local group Company Polar, the biggest producer of food of the country. The Polar corporative group did not express at the moment comments.
The decision of expropriation of the areas happens two days later that a group of councilmen of the municipality Iribarren de Barquisimeto approved in the declaration of “public and social utility” of the grounds.
Sáez said to the state Venezuelan of Television (VTV) that “today we are signing the expropriation decree” of a few areas in the Industrial area of Barquisimeto, which affects the facilities of approximately 23 companies, between which the Companies are included Polar.
The mayoress of the municipality Iribarren justified the measurement pointing out that Barquisimeto “needs spaces for town-planning developments (that) it has been a worry of our president Hugo Chávez”. The official added that the measurement will develop for phases, and that the first stage will include approximately seven hectares.
Some councilmen pushed back in eve the capture of the areas on the part of the Mayoralty oficialista of Iribarren, and denounced that the measurement will affect the workpeople of 23 companies. The expropriation measurement happens almost one month later that Chávez arranged the Companies Polar to evict a few areas of the Industrial area of Barquisimeto, in been Lara, to raise there a few housings.
The announcement of the chief generated his frictions with the governor of been Lara, Henri Falcón, who some time after Close Socialist of Venezuela (PSUV) resigned the Divided oficialista alleging lacking in dialogue in the organization.
Falcon objected recently the action of Chávez against the areas of the group Polar in Barquisimeto, and said that the measurement was damaging the law.
Incalculable and irreversible losses already begin to glimpse the commercial and industrial sectors of been Lara, after the recent decision to declare of public utility the Industrial area I of Barquisimeto, and that it sharpened with the signature of the decree of expropriation of the areas of the Polar one in the place.
Eduardo Cabré, president Ejecutivo de la Cámara of Industrialists, indicated to The Universal one that the decision of public declaration already did an incalculable damage, because one of the most sensitive matters is the investment.
He is afraid of an investors' stampede.: “Who is going to invest a cent to you in an industrial area like that. At least in this year it is not going to happen. Care they go away of the city and if not of the country”.
For Cabré, there is no way of justifying what happens in the industrial areas. “To justify on the base of a microscopic area, when there are dozens of places in the better city located to construct housings, it is impossible, unless one resorts to the ideological political decision”.
In the Industrial area they overcome 200 companies. Today the mayoress of the municipality Iribarren of been Lara, Amalia Sáez, signed the decree of expropriation of the areas that the Polar company occupies in the center of Barquisimeto, for the housing construction. We are fulfilling the order of the President and of the people of Lara needed from housing”, he emphasized VTV.
He added that they are employed at a strategy with the different unions and the civil society to face the measurement of legal form and with actions of street.
In an assembly that was carried out today in the Engineers' School of Lara, workpeople of the Industrial area expressed his worry because they do not know what his situation will be once the Government decides to expropriate the whole area.
They express that the measurement of public utility gives the go-ahead to the Government to tackle new expropriations, beyond the areas of the Polar one, what constitutes a not only one threat for the managerial sector, but for the labor stability that they had per years and that of his families.
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