Hugo Chávez in obligatory chain of all the means of television and radio has spoken in these terms to the Spanish prime minister, Rodriguez Zapatero, and has demanded “respect“, which “should see well what he is going to say”. That “we do not have anything that to explain to you, godfather”. As regards the chancellor Moratinos, there said that they were friendly, that when they spoke by phone Miguel Angel Moratinos did not ask him for any explanation for that thing about the car of the judge of the National Hearing. But rather, what it did was to come undone, or, to apologize, “because neither the government nor the king we have to do in this”. Golly! Very significant that thing about the Spanish chancellor. This according to what I am listening, and next since it has been reviewed. I update already 5:50 they can listen to it in video of Libertad Digital. I update on March 6: The Government redeems Chávez with a joint bulletin against ETA and in video Chávez he says that they did not ask him for “explanations“ but “informations, this is another thing”. Ah, also, he praises the Shoemaker's "ripeness". We will see if at the time of questionnaire it will give the opportune answers.
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Hugo Chávez has made clear that does not think to give any explanation on the car that it reveals that his Government cooperated with ETA. It considers to be as a very big “sharp remark” the Shoemaker's weak reaction, which declared itself “to the waiting”. And he says that Moratinos did not claim his clarifications.
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Related in my blog
Diet of Chávez qualifies of "infamous" connections accusation with ETA on the part of judge Spanish AN
March 01, 2010
Chávez denies Shoemaker and makes sure that not even Moratinos asked him for explanations does not even have that darsélas to nobody
The Venezuelan chief cheers up the Spanish Government and the King to be thrown “the eye to his judicial power”
Chávez reported that, being in Montevideo, the Venezuelan chancellor, Nicolás Maduro, received a Moratinos call to speak on the procedure opened by the judge Velasco, and as it coincided that in this moment he was close, the phone happened to him so that he was speaking straight with the Spanish chancellor. The Venezuelan president made sure that Moratinos never asked him for explanations and rather it clarified him, said, that everything owed to an autonomous performance of a judge after which there were neither the Spanish Government nor the King of Spain.
The “game of the extreme European right”
Chávez has told that he felt "surprised" on having found out, after this conversation, that Shoemaker, “in a very light attitude”, had declared that he was asking him for explanations to Venezuela on the Velasco accusation. “Dear friend José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, I do not have anything that to explain to you and I demand from him that he should respect the sovereignty of the people and of the Venezuelan Government”, said Chávez.
More …
Chávez, to Shoemaker: if he wants explanations, which they are asked Moratinos
Hugo Chávez has stopped making clear that does not think to give any explanation on the car that it was revealing that his Government cooperated with ETA. After the lukewarm reaction of the Spanish Government, which continues “to the waiting”, he has answered to Shoemaker who with the one who must speak is with … Moratinos.
More … at Libertad Digital
Chávez made sure that it does not have anything that to explain to Rodríguez Zapatero on case ETA-FARC
3/3/2010 4:32:36 AM p.m.
The president Hugo Chávez qualified of “rash and irresponsible” accusation of judge Spanish on the cooperation of Venezuela with groups of the ETA and the FARC.
It expressed that it does not have anything that to explain to the Spanish president, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who demanded an answer of his part on the case.
“I want to clarify ésto, so that every who should assume his. I spoke with the Spanish chancellor Moratinos, to clarify the Spanish president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero to him, that I do not have anything that to explain. If you want (Shoemaker) ask his judge for explanation. I do not have anything that to explain neither to you or to anybody in this planet”, indicated Chávez.
It called the Spanish government to inspect his judicial power. “What Shoemaker should do is to put the eye to the judicial power that they have there”, it sentenced.
The President of the Republic, Hugo Chávez, finds in the sector The Vega of the Cardinal District where it gave inico, in national chain, to the actions of reimpulse of the Extended Program of Immunizations.
He was applied to the children of the sector, 10 vaccines to fight 14 illnesses.
At his arrival to The Vega, the head of state was got by Luis Reyes Reyes, the minister of the Popular Power for the Health; the colonel's wife Eugenia Sader, viceminister of Networks of Collective Health; Iván Gil, vice-minister of Networks of Health services, to initiate a trip for the sector.
The President moved to the Center of Integral Diagnosis (CDI) “Father Francisco Wuytack”, where it placed, symbolically, the vaccination droplets to several children of the area.
This program, he will benefit approximately approximately 6 millions of Venezuelan families, reported the President Chávez.
“We are doing preventive health, it is a shielding to the Venezuelan population. We are going to visit even to 6 million families, we will vaccinate million persons, children and adults”, he said.
Housings rescue
During the act, the President requested the minister of Public works and Housing, Diosdado Cabello the construction of a camp of housing in the sector. It indicated mayor Jorge Rodríguez, to be hanging of rescuing “idle areas” and pointed out that “in the Pan-American one there is a lot of area valdío”.
“Idle area is necessary to seize it, Jorge (Rodríguez)”. It supported that it is looked it is to re-condition the quarter across the mission “New Quarter, Three-colored Quarter”.
It indicated the importance of having housings in firm areas, alluding to the recent earthquakes of Haiti and Chile.
“What God frees us from an earthquake!. See what it spent in Haiti and the tragedy of the Chilean people, it is necessary to strengthen the housings and to protect us from the surprises that the nature gives us”, pointed Chávez.
Chávez: I do not have anything that to explain to Shoemaker, I respected our sovereignty
On March 03, 2010 | 03:27 pm – Ángela Rodríguez – ABN
Taken of The National
[Chávez: I do not have anything that to explain to Shoemaker, I respected our sovereignty]
Hugo Chávez in full speech | Courteousness Miraflores
The president Hugo Chávez, from the sector The Small houses, located in The Handles of The Vega announced - in TV-radio channel - the reimpulse of the Extended Program of immunizations, in which vaccines will be applied to children of diverse sectors.
At his arrival, it was got by the minister for the Health, Luis Reyes Reyes; the viceminister of Networks of Collective Health, Eugenia Sader; and the vice-minister of Networks of Health services, Iván Gil. Then it initiated a trip for the sector and told that a children's census will be realized without vaccinating, and one will proceed to place 10 vaccines that prepare 14 illnesses.
“One of the biggest responsibilities of the Government is the health, one of the ways of measuring the socialistic character of the Revolution is to consolidate the public health system”, said the chief, who there moved to the Center of Integral Diagnosis (CDI) Father Francisco Wuytack, where it places, symbolically, the vaccination droplets to several children of the area.
The chief of Government of the Cardinal District, Jacqueline Faría and the mayor of Caracas, Jorge Rogríguez, accompany the National Chief in his trip for the medical center. Chávez extended a warm one greeted the Cuban and Venezuelan doctors who are employed at the Mission Swept Inside, congratulated the minister of health, Luis Reyes Reyes and to whom they integrate the Program of Immunizations.
On the other hand, the chief announced that the “idle areas must be recovered”.
Relate with Spain
In international matter the Venezuelan president, made sure that it does not have anything that there explain to his Spanish counterpart, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, as for the supposed implications of the Venezuelan government with the organization terrorita ETA and the Colombian Armed forces (FARC). Also it asked him Shoemaker to clarify the situation with the chief of the Spanish diplomacy Miguel Ángel Moratinos, since “we do not have to explain anything to anybody, this is a government that does not cooperate with any terrorist organ”, it affirmed Chávez.
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