This layer that is observed on Caracas from the middle of February of this year 2010 according to the experts is a product of the intense drought and of the forest fires. “Both effects have caused the concentration of the pendent particles cause this layer in the air”. And apart from the effects in the ambience it does ravages in the health of the such persons as: "ocular annoyance, nasal annoyance; it is capable of untying attacks of asthma and aggravations of Epoc (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Illness) in the capable patients and, additionally, it has been demonstrated that it has effects on the cardiovascular health, since it is capable of provoking alterations of the cardiac rhythm and events isquémicos”. Consequently it is important to take note of the recommendations.
The mist worsens respiratory and cardiac evil
The mist not only has effects in the ambience, also it generates problems of health like ocular annoyance, nasal annoyance; it is capable of untying attacks of asthma and aggravations of Epoc (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Illness) in the capable patients and, additionally, it has been demonstrated that it has effects on the cardiovascular health, since it is capable of provoking alterations of the cardiac rhythm and events isquémicos.
The affirmation is of the neumonólogo José Silva, on having been consulted on the effects that the mist has on the health, atmospheric phenomenon that is evident like species of steam stopper that retains the heat in the surface, making to show the city most contaminated from last February.
“There is a linear relation between the concentration of particles suspended in the air and the hospitalizations for infarction and for asthma and, then, yes it has an effect”, he affirmed.
He said that “it is difficult to give concrete numbers, because they are not available, they are difficult to manage, the official spokesmen do not show them, but the clinical impression that one has is that it is attended more patients in the consultations”.
He assured that the mist fond more of those who already have a predisposition some.
“He is not specific irritant, and he ends up by joining the damage that does the previous illness and is going to worsen it. The mist does not produce any illness, but aggravation, be of asthma, of Epoc, crisis of allergic rinitis. It talks each other it is to the illness, and it is not necessary to attribute the symptoms to which there is more particles quantity in the ambience. It is necessary to consult the doctor, who knows how to treat them appropriately”, he said.
Exhibition under roof. There stressed Dr. José Silva that it is not a question only of the external environmental contamination, but also it is necessary to speak about the environmental contamination intradomiciliaria or under roof, which constitutes it the exhibition to the tobacco smoke.
“The passive smokers incur losses to the health, it is clearly demonstrated and it is important to try to diminish this across dispositions that tend to the entire prohibition of smoking in public places, because the partial prohibitions do not produce any improvement of the situation of public health, because it is impossible to contain smoke only in the smokers' areas because it ends up by going on to the area of not smokers”, he affirmed.
It is a contamination that is present the whole year and undoubtedly it hurts more than it can cause the mist, that we hope that it should go away prompt, he added.
To avoid the effects of the mist, Dr. Silva advises not to be exhibited to her and to remain at home or not to come to the places where it concentrates more, how the center of the city or to nearby places where there is fire; to support the windows of the house closed in the day, when the concentration is major, and to open them in the night.
“In Mexico, there are electronic screens in the routes that they warn about the pollutants' quantity and alert the persons predisposed not to go out to the street the days of any more contamination. “If this information was free in our country, it would be of big utility for these persons”, he said.
on Friday, the 19th March | 8:17 AM
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