Since I was born I had not felt this (a few years), we did not have in 2009 and in what goes of 2010 but not a day of cold. Truly that has madmen to us this intense heat that we are enduring in Venezuela, which stems from the “few clouds and scarce moisture”, as says forecaster of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inameh). “In the portal The Weather Channel they register that the temperature in Caracas is 33 grades, while the thermal sensation is of 43°C”. The worry of the people is that it relates it to possible earthquakes, but it has been discarded, thanks to God, by the teacher of Physical Geology, Orlando Méndez. Although he says that Venezuela is a country that has seismic risk, hence the recommendations that he suggests. The heat is an atmospheric phenomenon.
Calorón has the people crazy
You communicate. - It is not a question of a heat wave, it is the first thing that there clarifies Mario Iacobacci, forecaster of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inameh).
If it was like that, the temperature would be five grades over the average, in a supported way and several followed days. Nevertheless, the people in the street feel that the heat is unbearable and that not even in the night there calms down the sensation of drowning and of breathlessness.
Really, Iacobacci admits that the thermal sensation (term that describes the grade of discomfort that a human being feels like result of the combination of the temperature and the wind in winter and of the temperature, the moisture and the wind in summer) in Caracas is of 40°C, while the real temperature is 33 grades.
The cloudy small skies and the scarce moisture contribute to this calorón who feels at any time of the day. “The sun affects straight on the surface”, says Iacobacci.
Additionally there are the fires and the mist, which are the solid particles in suspension that give the idea of a thick haze. All that prevents the temperature from descending in the evenings because the mist works like a stopper that avoids that the heat is diluted.
In the portal The Weather Channel they register that the temperature in Caracas is 33 grades, while the thermal sensation is of 43°C.
Fires in the whole country. In the state New Sparta 15 daily vegetation fires register, especially in the municipalities I Marinate (Porlamar), Gómez (The Neighborhood), Marcano (Juangriego) and Peninsula of Macanao (Mouth of Rio), according to the Fire department of the island.
Last year 350 fires were taken into account, while between January and February, 2010 200 combustions go, indicated the biggest Jorge Luis Solórzano, the first commander of the firemen.
Bolivar does not also escape of the intense drought that it flogs to the country and is for it for that, according to the authorities, the forest fires have gone off during the first months of 2010.
In January 152 fires took place in the municipality Caroní and other 149 in February, what gives a whole of 301 events in only two months.
The number is alarming taking into consideration that in 2009 the number of fires scarcely came to 37; in 2008 to 49 and in 2007 to 154.
Zulia also has other worrying records. From February of this year several fires have triumphed with more than 1500 hectares in the foot of mount of the Saw Perijá, in the municipality Machiques, as informed to radio Faith and Happiness, last week, the municipal director of the office of Agrarian Development, Félix García.
The mayor of Machiques, Vidal Prieto, said that they are realized sobrevuelos in the Saw of Perijá in order to measure the impact and forest damages that have caused the fires.
In Barcelona, Anzoátegui, is alarmed by a strange cloudiness that invades the ambience in coastal areas of the state. A misty cloudiness, which sometimes believes problems of visibility, invades from the dawn up to advanced post the morning the coastal Anzoátegui areas, from Guanta up to Port Píritu and the lagoon of Unare.
The phenomenon is attributed by the regional director of Civil Protection, Evelys Spain, to the heat and to the absence of clouds. This is what científicamente it is named a mist or the suspension of very small particles of dust or sand in the ambience.
The Fire department of the Cardinal District continues with the operative one of refrescamiento of the National park Warairarepano, with the idea of diminishing the forest fires that they have flogged to the vegetable lung of the capital.
The first commander of the Fire department of the Cardinal District, William Martínez, told to ABN that from February these night works are being realized to dampen the contiguous skirt of the avenue Boyacá, this way to increase the moisture in strategic sectors and this way to create a mattress that delays the beginning of the fires.
In these refrescamiento works they inform the Corporation of Services of the Cardinal District, the Mayoralty of the Liberating Municipality and the Department of the Ambience.
On the other hand, in accordance with a bulletin come from Unparks, they informs that since one initiated in March four forest fires different sectors of the National park have affected The Avila, two are in liquidation stage and two are still active. Up to yesterday in the evening, firemen officials of the Mounted Squadron of the National Guard and volunteers were following in the extinction works in the sector Curupao and in Line Birdie The Prickly pears, close to the Way of The Spanish.
Armando Arévalo/Hilda Mendoza/Dennys Bracho/Evaristo Marín
on Friday, the 5th March, 2010
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Geologist Orlando Méndez: there is no tie between heat and earthquakes
3/5/2010 1:29:37 AM p.m.
From the faculty of Engineering of the UCV, the teacher of Physical Geology, Orlando Méndez, discarded this Friday a supposed relation between the heat and the earthquakes, before the heat wave that has appeared in several areas of the country and the presence of telluric movements in the continent.
“The people relate the heat to earthquakes. In fact there is no tie. The heat is an atmospheric phenomenon. We are in a drought period, close to the equator and there is no breeze. The heat sensation increases when there is no breeze”, he stood out.
With regard to the earthquakes of big intensity that have appeared in Chile last days, it indicated that they all are associated and are replies of the principal earthquake that appeared one week ago.
“It is a result of the movement of the tectonic badges. When the badge pushes under other one it produces the movements and the readjustments generate energy and level”, it recounted.
He told that Venezuela is a country that takes seismic risk as his geologic conditions and as the interaction of the different badges, especially the badge of the Caribbean Sea and the South American badge.
He emphasized that there exist different flaws that act on the national territory like the flaw of Boconó, Barquisimeto, San Felipe, Moron and San Sebastian.
“It is necessary that we prepare ourselves for seismic phenomena. If it has objects weighed in tall offices, they can fall down. If there is an earthquake, it is necessary to get under a heavy furniture that protects him. Dominate the panic and act to be protected. The most important thing is that the building where you live is resistant and bears an earthquake”, it recommended.
This is of last year, it seemed very interesting to me
Funvisis: "The heat has not anything in common with earthquakes”
Throughout the years many myths and legends have been woven on the earthquakes and other natural phenomena that have given concern between the Venezuelan population. In accordance with the information provided by experts of the Venezuelan Foundation of Seismological Investigations (Funvisis), the heat is not associated with the quakes caused by the shock of the tectonic badges, in whose areas limit produce the earthquakes to themselves.
For Last News in April 17, 2009
“The most palpable example of it is the earthquake happened in 1964 in Anchorage, Alaska, one of the iciest regions of the planet and located to thousands of kilometers of distance of South America, which one had a magnitude of 8.6". This means, according to the students in the matter, that “the heat is a climatic phenomenon that does not have absolutely anything that to see with the earthquakes that affect the earth's crust”.
Venezuela is between the badge of South America and that of the Caribbean Sea, and the movement between both is what provokes the earthquakes in the country. The president of Funvisis, Francisco Garcés, affirms that all the time, below the earth's crust there is a cloak that moves, is accumulating tension and breaks, and this break is what generates this natural phenomenon”.
In the areas where the limits of the badges are it is where most of the earthquakes coincide, but some of the earthquakes happen in the sea and nobody feels them. In the area of the Pacific Ocean, for example, where there is volcanoes and a lot of seismic activity, nobody brings them because there are no problems, says.
Venezuelan reality
Compared to other countries, Venezuela does not suffer so much as a consequence of the telluric movements. Garcés says that “the whole Andean mountain range, as well as Central America and North America have a constant seismic activity that is bigger than that of our country, therefore when his inhabitants feel a magnitude earthquake 4,0 or Superior, they get frightened less because they are more used”.
He mentioned that “in Caracas we have time that we do not feel a quake, and that's why when it happens one attracts attention of us, but this is something normal for that we should wait. For example, in East they are used to feeling them because in this area it trembles much more”.
According to Funvisis, “other of the myths is that the earthquakes produce cracks that swallow the people, but up to the date there is no news on any living being who has been swallowed by an earthquake, although yes breaks take place in the earth's crust as it happened in Cariaco, although the displacement of the area did not go on from 45 centimeters”.
Funvisis is provided at present with a network that includes 34 stations satelitales that allow to do the measurements of all the seismic events that take place in the country, and 134 acelerográficas across which there registers the information of accelerations of the waves originated from the interior of the ground.
His president, Francisco Garcés, said that immediately after the Cariaco earthquake, they began to modernize the whole national seismological network, which now is computarizada and allows to offer help to nearby countries and exchange investigations on the subject of control and monitoring.
Also, he said that they have prepared more than 200 thousand persons in schools and public institutions, saying to them what to do in case of an earthquake. The interested persons in knowing the current condition of his building can come to the Technical Room of the Fire department Metropolitans to ask for a free rapid visual evaluation, across (0212 545.5924.
Also they can contact to Funvisis to receive orientation by means of (0212 257.7672, or 0800-Temblor (836.2567).
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Carolina Páez
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