Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spent the blurred assumption “The task of Sebastián Piñera must belong to guide of the country”

It impressed the news about the replies happened during the capture of possession of the new president of Chile. And very strong, with tsunami alarm, one of them of 7.2 grades on the Richter scale. Extensively reviewed the reactions of the presidents and invited personalities who proved to be alarmed by the facts as it appears in the graphs and videos. Terrible situation for the southern country, and it has seemed very appropriate to me to extract to re-show the expressed for Angélica Mora “The task of Sebastián Piñera must belong to guide of the country”, in his article for Newspaper of America. The important thing, the work of reconstruction, to go out forward, in fact, Piñera after the events protocolares in the plenary lounge of the Congress and lunch with the guests, was of official visit in Constitution, as it is appreciated in the photo. Good beginning. It continues with the text, the photos, videos and related.

Related in my blog:
This is Sebastián Piñera. Elect president of Chile
January 17, 2010

Images of the presidents assistants to the capture of possession at the moment of the earthquake
Libertad Digital

11/03/10 - In the middle of seismic replies there was realized the Capture of Possession of the new president of Chile, Sebastian Piñera. Moment when Chilé suffered a reply in the middle of the acts to swear in Sebastian Piñera as New President. The Magnitude was of 7.2nd in the Scale of Ritcher

Here when he speaks Piñera


The capture of possession
The Nation

President Piñera visits Constitution and message gives sense to his inhabitants
After visiting the city of Rancagua, the President Sebastián Piñera came to the Region of the Maule opportunity of that he made use to ask him the Constitution inhabitants to have “courage“ because there is that “to be capable of drying our tears and of initiating a process of reconstruction of what the tidal wave dumped”
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Chilean government: 30.000 million dollars in damages for earthquakes

SANTIAGO OF CHILE (AP) – An initial estimation of the government of the president Sebastián Piñera points that the damages for the devastating earthquake and tsunami of February and for the series of strong replies, would reach to 30.000 million dollars.
More …

The Piñera challenge
For Angélica Mora

Sebastián Piñera will have to wallow very softly in the warm waters of the reproaches against the projecting government

His task will be arduous and of long scope, with 75 per cent of the affected population, of a way or other one, for the earthquake and his aftermath

The new President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, receives this March 11 a hardly affected country, physics and psychologically, for the earthquake of February 27 and his biggest challenge it will be to set it to walk as soon as possible.

The task will be arduous and of long scope, with 75 per cent of the affected population, of a way or other one, for the earthquake and his aftermath.

Half a million housings remained uninhabitable and almost two millions will have to be repaired before there comes the winter, which is to the return of the sheet of the calendar.
Only in the region of Bío-Bío and Maule, where the city of Concepcion stays one of most affected in the tragedy, the authorities think that the task of gathering the debris will take until September.

The experts indicate that when the cleanliness should remain ready, only then there will begin the projections of two entire provinces, which will take approximately 10 years in being reconstructed.

According to calculations of the ambassador of Chile before the United Nations, Herald Muñoz, the costs of the entire reconstruction of the region have been estimated for on 30.000 million dollars.

Piñera will have to wallow very softly in the warm waters of the reproaches against the projecting government.

The criticism they must be left to the affected ones that today censure the President Michelle Bachelet for the slow answer before the tragedy. Especially for not alerting the population of the danger of a tidal wave, not to have taken rapid decisions to avoid the acts of looting that were carried out against a defenseless population and not to have sent helicopters with emergency help to the survivors, in the first three days after the earthquake.

For his part, members of the government admit that the morning of the earthquake it was marked by a strong debate if it had to allow the delivery of the operative control of the region affected to the military men.

The “Syndrome Pinochet” and the happened during the blow of 1973, occupied first place on the cold analysis of the situation and a consultation group, between them the chief of the Secretariat of Communications, Juan Carvajal and the chief of presidential office, Rodrigo Peñailillo, they stressed in the meeting that if the control for the military men was delivered this measurement would end up by affecting the image of Michelle Bachelet and would present it like transferring his executive authority to the military men.

“For a Coalition that fought against the dictatorship, the idea of having the military men in the street was not easy”, told the minister Bitar, expressing for the first time it departs from this internal debate.

Hundreds of Chileans paid with his lives that one and other errors of the government of Michelle Bachelet.

The happened during the devastating earthquake and after the tsunami it opened new wounds in a Chile for a long time divided by the politics.
The new inhabitants of the Palace of the mint have to go carefully not to commit a mistake in his criticism, which might be fatal in the fragile aspirations of national unit.

The new government has seen that the points of his platform electoral - presented by Piñera last year - already do not serve.

After the earthquake there has had to be sketched a new agenda where the priority will be to accept the solidarity of all the political parties, without exceptions, to be able to raise the country of the physical ruin and of the social and psychological earthquake in which it has stayed after the tragedy.

Piñera has not done public accusations against the projecting president Michelle Bachelet.

This is due to the fact that it would not be ethical and also Chile does not need political divisions. The nation must use all his energy in the reconstruction of housings, ways, ports and business to get up and to emerge even more loudly than one of the biggest catastrophes of his history.

That's why, the task of Sebastián Piñera must belong to guide of the country, to reconstruct mulberry tree mulberry tree and physically, beginning from today, on him having made sure the Chileans that together they can conquer the task of the reconstruction in any sense and lead to the nation to the vacancy that it was filling before the fatidical dawn of February 27.

Newspaper of America

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