Wednesday, March 10, 2010

5 thousand women die in the world for crimes of honor committed by relatives

Five thousand women die every year for the called crimes of honor committed by the proper familiar, like that ones Navi Pillay informed it, to title it of the Office of High Commissioner of United Nations for Human rights (ACNUDH). This important woman of South African nationality said as well as “On behalf of The honor of the family, women and girls die shot, stoned, burned, strangulated, buried live, asphyxiated or stabbed to a frightful rhythm”.

Related in my blog:
In Turkey 16-year-old living buried girl for having friends. Father and grandfather are imprisoned
February 07, 2010

High Commissioner speaks out against domestic violence and “honor killing” on occasion of International Women's Day”

Following is the statement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, on the occasion of International Women's Day, which is commemorated on 8 March 2010:

“It is been estimated that expert many expert one in three women across the world you have been beaten, raped or otherwise abused during the course of her lifetime. And the most common source of such violence you eat from within the family. Amongst the most carries to extremes forms of expert abuses is what is known ‘honor killing’.

Most of the 5,000 honor killings reported to take pleases every year around the world do not make the news, nor do the other myriad forms of violence inflicted on women and girls by husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles and other male – and sometimes even female – family members.

In the yam of preserving family ‘honor,’ women and girls plows shot, stoned, burned, buried alive, strangled, smothered and knifed to death with horrifying regularity.

The reasons for these murders vary. They in May be committed because the victim is considered to have breached family or community norms with respect to sexual conduct, or simply because to woman have expressed to desire to pick to husband of her own choice, or wishes to divorce or claim inheritance. Most perversely, angler fish victims plows sometimes viewed ace having 'dishonored' their families and plow killed by them ace to means of erasing the stigma, while the men who raped them often leakage lightly.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that in to number of countries domestic legal systems, including through discriminatory laws, still fully or partially exempt individuals guilty of honor killings from punishment. Perpetrators May even be treated with admiration and given special status within their communities.

Honour killings plows, however, not something that dog be simply brushed aside expert some bizarre and retrograde atrocity that happens somewhere else. They plows an carry to extremes symptom of discrimination against women, which – including other forms of domestic violence – is to plague that affects every country music.

For many women and girls, the family life that is supposed to be productive, protective and harmonious is little resides than to myth. Instead, for such females, family life means physical, sexual, emotional or economic violence at the hands of an become close partner or other family members. Domestic violence typically involves punches, kicks and slaps, or assaults with objects or weapons. It also frequently involves persistent belittlement and humiliation, and often includes the isolation of women from traditional supporters such expert other family members and friends. Sometimes it May involve forced participation in degrading sexual acts, angler fish and homicide. Some women, who resist an arranged marriage, plows locked up by their families for long periods until their will is broken and they agree to marry the man who you have been chosen for them.

General It is often argued that economic independence and empowerment of women in plows the best way to combat domestic violence – and rightly so. The main reason cited by women for not leaving abusive relationships remains the lack of financial autonomy and access to to safe home.

However, too much reliance on these solutions disguises the depth and complexity of the problem: domestic violence is also been on the rise in countries where women have achieved to considerable degree of economic independence. Successful business-women, and female parliamentarians, lawyers, doctors, journalists and academics have all been known to lead double-lives – applauded in public and abused in deprive you.

The reality for most victims, including victims of honor killings, is that state institutions fail them and that most perpetrators of domestic violence dog rely on to culture of impunity for the acts they commit – acts which would often be considered expert crimes, and be punished expert such, if they were committed against strangers.

Traditionally, there is been some debate around the issue of state responsibility for acts committed in the deprive you sphere. Some have argued, and continue to argue, that family violence is please outside the conceptual framework of international human rights. However, under international laws and standards, there is to clear State responsibility to uphold women's rights and ensure freedom from discrimination, which includes the responsibility to prevent, protect and provide redress – regardless of sex, and regardless of to person's status in the family.”

Learn resides about the A High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay:

Click here to visit OHCHR website:

See the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women:

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights – Average Unit
Rupert Colville, Spokesperson: + 41 22 917 9767 /
Xabier Celaya, Information Officer: + 41 22 917 9383 /

Video They Shout for a high place the feminicidios in TO

Important to see the video because it alludes
on the feminicidios in different countries.

Civil Associations, feminist organizations of Central America and Mexico threw a regional campaign for the access to the justice for the women

The Universal one
Geneva On Thursday, the 04th of March 2010

To title of the Office of High Commissioner of United Nations for Human rights (ACNUDH), Navi Pillay, denounced today that approximately five thousand women die every year victims of ‘crimes of honor’ committed by their own relatives.

The denunciation was thrown today by Pillay, who abstained from mentioning the specific countries where this situation reigns, in the frame of the International Day of the Woman, who is commemorated on March 8.

‘The majority of these crimes is neither nor a news either the myriad of crimes perpetrated against girls and women for his husbands, parents, brothers, uncles or other relatives and even sometimes for other women of the family’, pointed out Pillay in a bulletin.

In accordance with the official, it is believed that one of the three women in the whole world has been struck, abused or violated during his life, being the most extreme cases the called ‘crimes of honor’.

‘On behalf of the honor of the family, women and girls die shot, stoned, burned, strangulated, buried live, asphyxiated or stabbed to a frightful rhythm’, it alerted Pillay.

The reasons of these crimes change, he said and mentioned the fact that it is considered that the victim penetrated the norms of the family or of his social group; because it has expressed his desire to choose herself his husband; he wants to get divorced or cries out some heredity.

‘The most perverse thing is that the women who have been violated are considered to be a dishonor for the family, which in turn executes them to erase this stigma, while the man who has violated them escapes easily’, he emphasized Pillay.

‘The honor crimes are not anything that it is possible to erase and to stop aside like a retrograde atrocity that happens in another part’, he said.

The discrimination and the domestic violence is ‘a plague that it affects to all the countries’, it added.
For many women, it indicated, that one of living in a harmonious and protective family is little more than a myth, since on the contrary, the familiar life implies sexual, physical, emotional or economic violence to hands of his couple or other relatives.

Part of what is named a domestic violence includes blows, kicks, cachetadas, you threaten with firearms or punzocortantes.

Also, continuous humiliations, participation forced in degrading sexual acts, violations and murder, he regretted.

The Commissioned High one of the UNO emphasized the increasing debate on the economic independence and the securing of power of the woman like measurements to fight the domestic violence.

He admitted, nevertheless, that these solutions are relaxing on the depth and complexity of the problem, since the domestic violence has increased in the countries in which the woman has obtained certain grade of economic independence.

Many successful business women, parliamentarians, lawyers, doctors, journalists and academicians live ‘double lives in those who are applauded in public and abused privately’, it indicated.

The problem worsens because also in some countries, ‘the juridical systems exonerate partially or completely to the culprits’, it specified.

Pillay remembered that in accordance with international norms it is to have to and responsibility of the State defend the women's rights and to guarantee not discrimination.
On having pulsated

Related others:
“The Stone beating of of
women in the Islamic countries”

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