Thursday, March 11, 2010

The zafiedad that Shoemaker defends

In Homage Orlando Tamayo Zapata, under the title The zafiedad that there defends Shoemaker published in Newspaper of America, Gregorio Cristóbal Carle refers to the Cuban political prisoner to “A chief that there is oprobiado of constant form to the opposition to Castro”. Expressed in these terms: "Leftist up to the cores and unable to so at least hide an implacable rancor - it seems that caused in the imaginary and adapted history of a grandfather Freemason - has drunk everlasting the winds for seeing the Stalin children being perpetuated in political systems disguised as democracy”.

Homage to the Cuban political prisoner Orlando Tamayo Zapata
The zafiedad that Shoemaker defends

For Gregorio Cristóbal Carle

Without entering the sterile and knock-kneed management of the economic, absent crisis of opinion and a minimal criterion, it would be enough to throw a look obliquely to the Shoemaker's sectarian attitude in the defense of the planetary freedom – paraphrasing to one of functional illiterate so many people that his comatose one and evicted office populate – dangerous unlucky person realizes the real look of this one.

Leftist up to the cores and unable to so at least hide an implacable rancor - it seems that caused in the imaginary and adapted history of a grandfather Freemason - has drunk everlasting the winds for seeing the Stalin children being perpetuated in political systems disguised as democracy.

And he has dedicated all his determination to that from the day in which, of an incomprehensible form - and therefore, difficult to explain - it reached the victory in the primary ones of his party for a scarce and prophetic margin of nine votes. From the date – or perhaps earlier - there was considered one of so many people chosen to save the humanity of the perfidious injustices schemed by the liberal, exploitative doctrine of unlucky persons and lacking in some scruple

Then, without any delay, it started working with a suspicious determination, in the full conviction of the wise destination that the gods had assigned to him – these gods of his sacred Olympus, as it could not be otherwise -

He had to convince to the world I inform that beyond the Atlantic Ocean there were a few good persons, with high political sights, which had taken possession of the springs of the power of illicit form – something completely irrelevant compared with the magnitude of his historical mission - with the only, marvelous and irrefutable destination of saving his peoples of the claws of the capitalist iniquity.

And there the bastions of the freedom were, with Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruiz to the head, renewed he knew against the vassalage and the only thought, to answer to the unjust dictatorships. Another thing is that the script was twisting, and after attacking the revolutionary process it was ending up by implanting a diet of submission, based on the communist intransigence, the fear, the corruption and the implacable pursuit of the different and plural thing.

For the illustrious and ordinary Shoemaker, an irrelevant proper mishap of politician happening, because it is not worth of a big leader to raise to category what in fact is an insignificant anecdote in occurring of the humanity.

This indoctrination castrista spreads like a gunpowder trickle of water over a Latin America punished by the endemic and sealed off everlasting corruption and the entire absence of reforms, the politics of the vale quite and everything does not matter to reach the proletarian paradise.

Further on, very much later - for major joy of the from Leon native one to Valladolid - there arises in Venezuela Hugo Chávez Frías, another bastion of the tendency towards coups d'état and the intransigence concealed in democratic values to the old custom of the illustrated despotism – everything for the people but without the people -

The last icon of the radicalism zapateril, effective and simultaneously fateful subofficial of scarce intellectual lights, is not late in transforming his government into a mellow form of autocracy – of course of lefts - beginning of immediate form the despotic practice placed in the most vulgar of the nepotisms, the decapitation and the wretched submission of the judicial power – “Montesquieau has died - the full intervention and ruin of the national economy, in addition to the imprisonment of the “subversive elements” that they imagine, understand and think differently. The imperialist frenzies of the new Latin-American prophet culminate with the exportation of his Pharisaical revolution beyond the national borders turning away on the outside the resources generated with the effort and the work of his people. Felt high place of the state and deep respect to the democratic values, as it was of hoping of someone that he has drunk and lived of the educations of the Ché – that irony - this villain erected in inexplicable icon of the revolutionary injustice

It is the recreation of this image and way of governing the one that it dazzles and enchants to the most radical European trendies, - between the one that undoubtedly our proud Shoemaker finds - fed intellectually on false testimonies, because it is incapable, or he is not interested in – rather the second thing - to live closely through so gigantic lie. Political systems that mention the people in the first person, then to deny the most elementary rights to him constitute an ideal in itself and I motivate for the defense at any cost of his supposed values.

Pero José Luis is a perfect obstinate one and after his second victory in the urns – the first one arose from a prudent sobrecogedor - it does not stop from the determination impelling a sharp approach, in addition to an unhappy comprehension towards the most indecent satrapías of Latin America – Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador … - for which also he tries to imply and convince the maximum institutional authorities of the European Union resorting to his already well-known buenismo time exposures – we remember that it was he who was a creative and maximum promoter of this deceit called “Alliance of the Civilizations -

Fortunately for the free world this old woman and desazonada Europe does not allow to deceive itself for his scoundrel and Messianic vision of “estatu quo” of the dictadorzuelos Latin American. Shoemaker meets an undeniable and frontal rejection to the sectarian and interested proposal, which does not shut up another intention than that of serving like instrument to wash the image of the systems of the only party … or almost.

The illustrious Spanish President has returned to the responsibility with the slow topic of defending the indefensible thing. The motive has not been different that the tragic and slightly surprising death of another opponent to the tyranny of Castro – Fidel governs, but it is supported in a background -

Orlando Tamayo Zapata-Q.E.P.D - was a proletarian who in his moment was revealed against the imposition, the trick and the repression of an unjust and criminal diet, implanted by fire and sword. The answer one did not make hope that … the authorities stopped him illegally and arranged his imprisonment, the same way illegally. There all kinds of humiliations suffered torture until his rebelliousness took him to a very top condemnation, this time to thirty years.

The brave one, Orlando decided to realize a hunger strike to announce to the world his situation and that of all those who suffer in Cuba the tremendous consequences of the political intransigence, the harassment, the pursuit and the death for thinking differently, for looking for this piece of freedom that any human being deserves.

Finally he died, after 85 dying days of famine his body did not resist any more the suffering and the maltreatment given by agents of the dictatorship, who are the only ones guilty and responsible for the death, as of all other, those of almost 800 compatriots who fighting for the freedom remained on the halfway, those of the shot ones, and those of the alive ones that and they cannot speak because they have it definitely prohibited, under it threatens of jail and death.

This is the zafiedad that there defends Shoemaker, this leader of few ones, vesánico and insensitively to the absence of freedom, to the raw reality of these nations that suffer the oppression of the only thought and the fear of the word. A chief that there is oprobiado of constant form to the opposition to Castro, denying to him the bread and the salt of constant form, up to the point of not wanting to meet his representatives, or to give them his support and breath of symbolic form.

On the contrary, it has favored economically the interests of these satraps, supporting his systems with unjust and free donations, throwing speeches in favor of obscurantist and completely erroneous positions, silencing the criminal truth of these politicians who redeem the people under the mask of a supposed democracy, or being sorry - that without condemning - the decease of the fighters for the freedom.

Mr. Shoemaker, you have taken the wrong way … with his consent only he stays to say: LIVE THROUGH THE FREEDOM!!!
In Newspaper of America

Taken graph of

In my blog the articles of Gregorio Cristóbal Carle on having pulsated

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