Monday, March 15, 2010

The Riding blogger ZP member's victim of a group of violent in Facebook

Things as this one happen although they could seem unusual: the friend Julio del Blog Caballero ZP has been denounced together with also friend, Jose Luis de Valero, “by one of the members of the violent group of Facebook from which it was insulted, was threatening and was invited to the physical aggression against Hope Aguirre, going so far as to wish and ask for the death of the President chosen democratically by the persons from Madrid. In particular this individual who joined voluntarily the said violent group, denunciation that found out that several pages of extremist and violent “content” his personal information had published without his assent, blaming like persons in charge Jose Luis de Valero to us for collaborating in my blog, and of course”. Considering which, Gentleman ZP informs us the following thing:
that will interpose the corresponding denunciation against an individual after declaring next Thursday in the courts, since to his understanding the informer it erased deliberately his Facebook profile with the intention of imputing to him the theft of private information.

My solidarity with my dear friends and that justice does to itself, that the persons' vandalism does not remain unpunished without mulberry tree.

And for this linkage I could gain access straight to his blog for major information of everything happened.



Article 456.

1. Those who, with knowledge of his falsity or rash scorn towards the truth, will impute to some person facts that, of being true, would constitute a penal infraction, if this imputation was done before judicial or administrative official who has the duty to proceed to his inquiry, will be sanctioned:

With the prison sorrow from six months until two years and fine from twelve until twenty-four months, if a serious crime will be imputed.

With the fine sorrow from twelve until twenty-four months, if a less serious crime will be imputed.

With the fine sorrow from three until six months, if an absence will be imputed.

2. One will not be able to proceed against the informer or accuser but after firm judgment or car also firmly, of dismissal or file of the Judge or Court that has known about the imputed infraction. These will order to come from office against the informer or accuser whenever from the prime mover there turn out to be enough indications of the falsity of the imputation, even though the fact could chase also previous denunciation to the offended one.

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